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Adjustment In Price Tax Or Duty Effect On Change


In addition to the price stated in this agreement, buyer itself shall pay, or shall reimburse seller for, the amount by which the cost to seller of furnishing goods undelivered pursuant to this agreement is increased by any federal or state excise or processing taxes or any increase in duty charges that may be imposed by any legislation enacted after the date of this agreement, or seller may increase the price in the amount of the increase in taxes or duty charges. Seller shall reduce the price required by this agreement in the amount of any decrease in cost to seller of goods undelivered pursuant to this agreement that results from the repeal or reduction after the date of this agreement of any federal or state excise or processing taxes or duty charges, or shall reimburse buyer in the amount of the decrease in cost on account of tax refunds or duty decreases actually received by seller as the result of the repeal or reduction of any federal or state legislation.

This is a UCC-buying and selling form.
It is intended to be an addendum to other forms.